My newest book ‘Me The Enemy’ is now available on for both the Kindle and in paperback. This is a story built on current things happening in the world. People are a product of their upbringing and those experiences shape the path they take as adult. We are often our own worst enemy and this book explores how that can play out. Even when blessed with excellence in intellect, looks, athletic abilities and personality, we can’t always escape what happened I our formative years. Me The Enemy explores people from opposite ends of the socio-economic spectrum and how their past can make or break them. Janell, from a privileged immigrant family, feels she is battling the ‘all boys club.’ Bill and Isaac are products of abusive foster homes, and they are desperate to escape and hold one group responsible for their troubles. A page turner that recalls current events and also involves The Hero Squad from Alfalfa Connection and Fires of Revenge.
Me The Enemy